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The Merefield Curriculum

The Merefield Curriculum

My Communication

This curriculum area aims to develop pupil’s expressive and receptive skills, allowing every individual to functionally communicate to the best of their ability and access The Merefield Curriculum as fully as possible.

Each programme of study has been carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success and to prepare them for life beyond Merefield, at college, home and in the community.

Pupils encounter inclusive literacy through personalised speaking, listening, reading and writing activities.  These are widely applied throughout the curriculum in order to provide them with a suitable method of communication and a wide range of vocabulary to prepare pupils them for the next stage in their lives.  We work closely with all stakeholders to identify each individual’s communicative starting points in order to support them with a plethora of communication support and adapt this as their needs change during their journey through school.

Pupils are encouraged to make and communicate choices, obtain information, question and be actively involved in decision making. Core communication skills are embedded in all areas of the curriculum and tailored to the individual needs of the pupils.  A range of communication strategies and provisions are adapted within each class to enable all pupils to communicate effectively.  

Reading is promoted throughout the My Communication curriculum and is extended through the vast range of contexts presented through the extensive and engaging topic cycle.  Pupils learn to read using ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’, an approved DfE scheme, and each child has a reading book matched to their current level of attainment.  Reading records capture the breadth of texts each pupil has encountered.  Some pupils learn to read through sight recognition and are unable to decode due to the complexities of executive functioning; all pupils will be taught and encouraged to read using the most appropriate style to suit their needs.


My Thinking and Problem Solving

This curriculum area supports pupils to develop mathematical skills, solve problems and apply their learning in functional and practical ways.  These fundamental skills will also be embedded in other curriculum areas such as How My World Works, My Physical development and My Community.  My Thinking lessons will be taught through a range of discrete sessions to develop basic concepts and through cross curricular thematic lessons.  

Each programme of study has been carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success and to prepare them for life beyond Merefield, at college, home and in the community.

Pupils will experience all areas of this curriculum, however, they may still be working to achieve learning intentions around developing their understanding of numbers before being able to continue with calculations; content in these areas will be experiential and practical for some.  Throughout the My Thinking curriculum, pupils will be supported to make connections and explore the world around them.  As pupils progress through school, they will have more opportunities to apply and generalise these skills in the community in preparation for adulthood. 


How My World Works

In this curriculum area pupils gain an understanding of how they can become more independent and prepared for the next stage in their life.  They will learn how to keep themselves safe in the home, online and when completing practical activities.  

Each programme of study has been carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success and to prepare them for life beyond Merefield, at college, home and in the community.

Pupils will learn to investigate and explore the world around them and develop an understanding of how things work in real life. It is a very practical based curriculum area and pupils are encouraged to predict, explore, enquire, evaluate and experiment.  

This curriculum area also encourages pupils to explore their creative talents through art, music, design technology and food technology.  Technology and computing is also a fundamental part of the How My World Works curriculum, pupils will learn to use a range of technology programmes and equipment and also develop an understanding of e-safety.


My Community

In this curriculum area pupils develop an awareness of their unique identity and become an active member of the community.  They will explore and gain an understanding of objects, people and places around them from within their immediate surroundings to the local community and beyond.  Pupils will ultimately develop an understanding of how they can have a positive impact on others around them and beyond the school community. They will have opportunities to organise and take part in charity events, school council elections and understand their own rights and responsibilities as they set goals for the future.  

Each programme of study has been carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success and to prepare them for life beyond Merefield, at college, home, in the community and the workplace such as keeping safe and making choices for the future and developing employability skills.

Personal development is also a fundamental part of this curriculum area and pupils are given opportunities to experience a range of activities that aims to provide pupils with the knowledge and cultural capital they require to succeed in life.  These activities include (but not limited to) horse riding, sessions with specialist sports coaches and food and nutrition teachers, music therapy, rebound therapy, cycling and Duke of Edinburgh.  Merefield School is also proud of our ASDAN approved ‘40 things to do before leaving Merefield’ award scheme.

This area of the curriculum also teaches pupils to access the local community and beyond safely and appropriately. 


My Physical Development

In this curriculum area, pupils are learning to understand and respect their own body through health and hygiene, exercise, positive body image and making healthy choices. Pupils are supported to develop their strength and movement in order to explore the world around them.  The My Physical Development curriculum also enables pupils to experience and learn skills within various sports.

In addition to this curriculum document, there are a set of sequenced ladders for each sporting area and swimming.  These enable learning to build upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success. 

Swimming is an integral part of this curriculum area and pupils will be able to develop their skills and confidence in the pool while developing their physical mobility.  Physiotherapists work with class teams and pupils to develop programmes to support some pupils when accessing the hydrotherapy pool.  As pupils progress through school and develop their confidence in the school pool, they are then able to access the local leisure centre pools. 

Pupils will learn skills appropriate to their development in gymnastics, dance, net and wall games, attack and defending games, strike and field games and athletics.  Pupils will have the opportunity to attend sporting events to put their skills into practice competing against other schools.  Throughout this curriculum area, pupils are also taught to develop their skills in sportsmanship through respecting each other, looking after equipment, developing an understanding of team spirit, resilience and confidence in their own ability. 

Forest School is also a fundamental part of the school curriculum, this also supports pupils to develop resilience, confidence and independence through a range of outdoor activities.  Pupils are also able to access residential trips as appropriate to them during their time at Merefield School.

My Physical Development is ambitious as it puts pupils in a great position to engage in sports and activities outside of and beyond school. In turn this gives them the chance to make friends.


My Emotional Wellbeing

In this curriculum area, pupils enhance their overall health and well-being. They will learn to look after themselves and respect their identity. Pupils will also explore global diversity and the beliefs and cultures of others. This curriculum will also provide opportunities and activities to support pupils to understand their feelings, behaviours and aspirations.

Each programme of study has been carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge, skills and understanding.  Each objective is broken down further by teachers into personalised learning intentions which are reviewed termly.  The Merefield curriculum is ambitious and provides the breadth and depth of learning opportunities and learning intentions for all pupils to achieve success and to prepare them for life beyond Merefield, at college, home and in the community.


This curriculum area includes DfE’s relationships and sex education and health education learning outcomes and is adapted to suit the needs and cognitive ability of pupils with severe learning disabilities.  This curriculum area also includes statutory Religious Education content.  

Merefield School believes that all pupils should feel happy, safe and mentally and physically well, they should also be given many opportunities to experience success and develop resilience, confidence, independence and strength of character. 

My Communication

Core communication


Functional Reading

Physical Communication

Building vocabulary

Making Choices

Positive Interactions

Communication Aids

Following Instructions

Developing Fine MS

Having a Voice

Appreciation and reflection



Sharing Ideas

Drama and Role play

Communicating with fluency

Exploring a range of texts

Decoding strategies

Recall, sequencing and comprehension

Mark Making


Writing for a purpose


My Thinking and Problem Solving

Work it out

Patterns in Everyday life

Functional Maths

Number and Place Value


Sharing and fractions




Length and Weight


Money, Shopping and finance

Time (days, hours, key events etc)


How My World Works

Developing Independence

Investigating and Exploring


Meal preparation

Safety in the home

The Elements of Nature

Life Cycles

Earth and Beyond

Designing and making


E-Safety – see My EmWB

Using Technology

My Community

Preparing for my next stage (upper school)


Community Participation

Introduction to work

Getting ready for my next stage

Exploring my options

Skills for my chosen destination

Employer Experiences


Being an active citizen


Behaviour for learning

Rights and responsibilities

Personal Development


Getting out and about

Safe and effective transitions

Travelling safely

Appropriate Interactions


My Physical Development


Looking after my body

Moving and using my body


Outdoor and adventurous activities

Healthy Lifestyles



Coordination and spatial awareness

Team games


My Emotional Wellbeing

This curriculum area encompasses the statutory guidance for the teaching of RE, RSE and PHSE. 

All about me

The World I live in


Self awareness

Self care, support and safety

Changing and Growing

Managing Feelings

Respecting different religions



Families and carers

Respectful friendships and relationships

Online Safety

Being Safe

Intimate relationships

Merefield Topic Cycle

If you have any questions regarding our curriculum or would like to find out more, you can contact the school office on 01704 577163. An appropriate member of the senior leadership team will then get back to you.
