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Merefield School welcomes all new children and their families. We aim to ensure that:

  • Parents and carers are happy with their choice of placement and transition process
  • Each pupil’s introduction and transition to school is a positive and happy experience
  • The school feels confident in its capacity to meet the needs of each pupil


Pupils will only be admitted to Merefield school if they meet the following criteria:

  • Aged 3-19 years
  • Have an EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) – or be undergoing the statutory assessment process for such a plan
  • Have a primary need identified within their EHCP as Severe, Complex or Profound Learning Needs


Merefield School welcome prospective parents and carers to visit the school throughout the school year.  We hold monthly tours for parents and these can be booked by calling the school office.  We would be delighted to show you around the school and show what we have to offer.


Merefield School has a maximum capacity of 105 with 12 classes. 


In line with DfE and Ofsted guidance and recommendations, Merefield School have established the following:

  • A well-placed transition process
  • A welcoming environment with background information on linguistic, educational and cultural and social needs of all new arrivals
  • Communication with parents and carers as an integral part of the welcome and induction process
  • Inform new pupils and families about the education system and curriculum we offer at school through all Key Stages
  • Inform all new pupils and families about their entitlement to free school meals, transport and the Sefton Local Offer
  • Availability of the school website, class dojo app, prospectus and relevant policies.



Admissions to Merefield School are completed through Sefton Local Authority SEN department.  The process of joining Merefield School is as follows:


A referral to the Headteacher for placement is made by Sefton Local Authority. While the process is taking place parents/carers often request to visit the school to see if the provision is appropriate to the special educational needs of their child.


The headteacher will read all consultation documents and make a response to Sefton LA if the school is able to meet the needs of the child and if there is a space within the specified cohort.


Sefton SEN department then decides if they wish to allocate a place at Merefield School.  Parents and school will be notified by Sefton LA and a final EHCP will be issued. The school will then begin the transition process.



Appeals / What if I have any concerns? 

If you have any concerns we would suggest you first start by talking to me as your Casework Officer. You could also talk to the head teacher/ principal. 

If we are unable to resolve your concerns you have the right to contact the independent mediation adviser and discuss whether mediation might be a suitable way of resolving the disagreement.  To request mediation before appealing to the Tribunal please contact your Mediation Advisor at Global Mediation  Tel no: 0800 064 4488. You must contact the mediation adviser, within two months of the date of this letter.

You also have the right to appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Tribunal. If you wish to make an appeal to the SEND Tribunal you may only do so after you have contacted the independent mediation adviser and discussed whether mediation might be a suitable way of resolving the disagreement.   You must appeal to the SEND Tribunal within two months of the date of this letter or within one month of a certificate being issued following mediation or you being given mediation information and deciding not to use mediation.


The SEND Tribunal can be contacted at:

HM Courts and Tribunals Service Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal 1st Floor, Darlington Magistrates Court Parkgate, Darlington, DL1 1RU. Tel: 01325 289350 Fax: 0870 739 4017, Email:




Pre-admission visit

The Headteacher and parents/carers arrange a visit to the school. During the visit the Merefield School offer and the child’s EHCP are discussed in detail. Parents/carers are shown around the school by the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher which provides an opportunity to meet the staff and observe teaching/learning situations. A second visit may be arranged if deemed necessary by all parties.




Once a decision has been reached by parents/carers, they will contact Sefton SEN and, where needed, Sefton Transport Unit. At this stage parents/carers are requested to complete all relevant admission forms.



Transition sessions are set up as appropriate to each child’s needs/available Timeline



There is a personal induction programme for each new pupil and their family once admission to Merefield has been agreed.


Equality and inclusion

The school is committed to ensuring that our pupils are treated equally in school and the local and wider community and that their disabilities does not mean that they are treated less favourably than others.


Further information

Sefton Local offer -

Home to school transport -

Sefton mainstream school admission policies -


For further Admissions information please contact Sefton SEN Team on 0151 934 2163 or 0151 934 2170

Merefield School prospectus
