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Southport Incident

We are deeply shocked and saddened at the tragic events, which unfolded on the 29th July. Our thoughts are with all the victims of this attack and their families at this incredibly sad time.
Our Sefton community is close knit, and we know some of you will have been affected by this personally or have members of your community who have been caught up in this tragedy. 
This tragedy not only hurts those directly involved but has impacts across our community. We know that those children involved will need ongoing support both physically and mentally and for those children not directly involved, there may be fear, uncertainty and anxiety for some time to come.

Families will need ongoing support and schools and settings will need to be given the resources they need to signpost families to the right support. We hope the below information will be useful for you in the coming days.


Educational Psychology Service
Sefton’s Educational Psychology Service is available to support schools and settings directly affected. Contact Ez Mills, Principal Educational Psychologist

Charitable Support
Sefton CVS have put together a list of support agencies in Southport as well as details of the Southport Stronger Together fundraiser.

Online Support
Sefton in Mind
If you have been affected – directly or indirectly - by the tragic events in Southport, you can find a range of support at
The Sefton In Mind pages on mental health support provide information on how to access to a wide range of services in Sefton, including Crisis Support, Specialist Services including bereavement, Support for Men, Support for Women and Someone to Speak to.


Kooth can offer free, safe and anonymous support for young people who want someone to understand, advice, or help for a friend; it is an excellent free resource that is suitable for children in Sefton.


National organisations
Education Support Partnership (a UK charity dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of teachers and the entire education workforce): 08000 562 561


Winston’s Wish: The Charity for Bereaved Children (tel: 08452 030405, )


Child Bereavement Trust UK (tel: 01494 568900, ) – a resource for anyone who is in contact with bereaved children, parents, schools, nurseries


Cruse Bereavement Care (tel: 01159 244404, ) Cruse can provide someone to talk to and information on many aspects of bereavement including advice about children and young people

