What beautiful weather for a school holiday! Whilst the majority of our school community were enjoying the weather and break from school, Gemma and John were busy in school supervising the building of our wonderful new playground equipment in the far lower school playground and the creation of a wonderful bathroom mural by Smartwalls! Thank you Paymentshield and FOMS for all your fundraising which enabled the play equipment to be installed and to Kimberley from Smartwalls for the beautiful mural. It was lovely to see the pupils playing and socialising on the play equipment yesterday - I am sure the equipment will be fully explored over the next few months!
Having just completed the calendar for this forthcoming Summer Term I know the weeks are going to go by in a flash! Residentials, sports events, music events, dance festivals, trips out and special visitors to school are all planned alongside our usual busy school days. As this will be my last term I intend to adopt a mindfulness approach and ensure I enjoy each and every day!