Bursting with pride this morning as Merefield School was awarded the Sefton Green Star League Eco Award yesterday at the Ramada Hotel!!!! Alongside this fabulous whole school achievement Joe Beresford was awarded the Outstanding Contributor Award in recognition of all his hard word work this past year upcycling benches, repairing fences, making planters and ensuring all things that can be recycled are!! As always all these things could not happen without extra contributions from staff - it truly is a whole school community effort - thank you all and Well Done!!
As we fast approach the end of another wonderful year here at Merefield there are lots of activities and events coming up for everyone to be involved in. Our annual Summer Fair takes place on Saturday June 28th 12:00 - 14:00, Parents/Carers coffee mornings will take place once reports have been received and the year will end with our Annual Celebration - this year we are off to The Oscars!! This sparkly event is on Friday July 18th at Ainsdale St John Stone Social Club from 19:00 onwards - tickets are £1 from Gemma Parker ( School Business Manager )
I hope to see as many of you as possible in the remaining 4 weeks left of this term!