Communication in Merefield.
At Merefield we use a Total Communication Approach to communicate with our students to support their development of communication and interaction skills. Our communication approach ensures students are aware what is expected of them throughout their school day and provides them with the tools to get their needs and wants met in whatever manner is appropriate to them.
When we refer to Total Communication we are referring to verbal language plus a range of Alternative & Augmentative Communication (AAC). These include; gesture, symbols , PECs, Communication Boards/ Books, written word, high tech devices such as (ipads, big macs, talking tins, musical cues), British Sign Language , photos, and objects of reference.
Adults consistently model the use of these different communication methods, immersing the students in the variety of manners in which we can communicate. The different AAC which we use to communicate and support our students is adapted specifically to the needs of each learner.