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Hazel Class

Welcome to Hazel Class 2024-2025



Class Team


Lauren Barlow, Cerys Brade, Jo Wainwright, Yvonne Sutton, Sandie Evans


We're so happy to welcome everyone back after the summer break and are looking forward to the year ahead. 


Our topic for this term is Famous Authors and for the first half term we will be exploring the work of William Shakespeare, initially exploring the text 'Gnomeo and Juliet: A Tale of Two Gardens,' which is of course and adaption of Romeo and Juliet. This will also link into our outdoor learning sessions on Forest School and into 'My Emotional Wellbeing' where we will explore friendships and family relationships. 

During our My Thinking sessions we will be expanding on our number skills, focusing on addition and looking at fractions and sharing. We will be taking part in Gymnastics sessions at Southport Gymnastics club each Wednesday morning and will be swimming on a Tuesday morning. We will explore different careers during our community sessions, focusing on roles within the local community such as postal workers, shop workers, librarians, priests and cafe staff and we'll research the roles further during our ICT sessions. During cookery we will work on developing our cutting and grating skills.


This year we will be working on ASDAN Personal Progress modules; 'Developing Communication Skills', ;Developing ICT Skills' and 'Engaging in New Creative Activities.'  



  • We politely request a contribution of £2 per week to go towards purchasing the snack and drinks which we provide throughout the week. Money should be sent into school in a clearly labelled envelope and can be paid on a weekly or half termly or termly basis.
  • Our swimming session will be on TUESDAY. Please send in a kit and towel on this day as we are extremely limited on spares in class.
  • We will send daily updates on Class Dojo and always welcome messages from you about your evening and weekends. Messages may not be read during teaching time and so we request that any urgent messages within the school day are communicated with the school office via phone call or email. 








Autumn 24 timetable
