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Hazel Class

Welcome to Hazel Class 2024-2025



Class Team


Lauren Barlow, Cerys Brade, Jo Wainwright, Yvonne Sutton, Sandie Evans, Jane Ricketts.


We hope you have had a restful half term break! 


Our topic for this term is 'Journeys' and we will be travelling through time! Up until Easter we will be looking at the book 'Voices of the Future.' This book is made up of short stories focusing on how future generations will shape the world. 

During our My Thinking sessions we will continue to work on our number skills and will work on applying them when exploring weight, distance and measure. During cookery we will be following recipes that require us to combine lots of different ingredients, we will work on our net and wall skills during our PE sessions and during our forest school sessions will look at the life cycle of a plant and what we need to do help them to grow. The spring term means that Enterprise week is approaching and we will prepare by designing and making the items we plan to sell at our annual enterprise fair on 7th March. On our community visits we will further develop our road safety skills and recognition hazards in the community and we'll also be completing some class/community based jobs such as litter picking and car washing. In our 'My Emotional Wellbeing' sessions we will be using MyHappyMind resources to expand our understanding of emotions.


This year we will be working on ASDAN Personal Progress modules; 'Developing Communication Skills', ;Developing ICT Skills' and 'Engaging in New Creative Activities.'  



  • We politely request a contribution of £2 per week to go towards purchasing the snack and drinks which we provide throughout the week. Money should be sent into school in a clearly labelled envelope and can be paid on a weekly or half termly or termly basis.
  • Our swimming session will be on THURSDAY. Please send in a kit and towel on this day as we are extremely limited on spares in class.
  • We will send daily updates on Class Dojo and always welcome messages from you about your evening and weekends. Messages may not be read during teaching time and so we request that any urgent messages within the school day are communicated with the school office via phone call or email. 




Spring 2
