Home Page

Natterjack Class

Welcome to Natterjack Class!


Class Staff

Sarah-Jane Tinsley - Class Teacher

 Sophie Bond, Vicky McCaffrey, Heather Davenport, Sue Kerr - Teaching Assistants






Welcome to our class page smiley


Within our class we cover the six different curriculum areas: My Communication, My Thinking, My Emotional Wellbeing,

My Physical Development, My community and How My World Works. 


This term's topic is 'Around The World.'



We will send daily communication via Class Dojo and welcome any message from you about your evenings and weekends!

Please don't hesitate to get in touch via Dojo or by calling the school office if you have any questions.






NJ Summer 1 Timetable

Key information


  • Snack money is £2 per week, you are welcome to pay this weekly or on a half termly basis. Please send this clearly labelled. This money also covers weekly cookery items. . 
  • Swimming  takes place on a Thursday morning. Please ensure you send a labelled swimming kit each week 
  • Forest School will take place on a Tuesday afternoon. Please be sure to send in coats and a change of clothing should this be required- we will try to get out whatever the weather!
  • We will be walking in the local community on a Monday afternoon. 