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I have just spent this morning delivering special Christmas Assemblies to both Lower and Upper School - the assembly theme was Christmas traditions around the world and we all enjoyed learning about what happens in different countries at this special time of year. As we fast approach our holidays it was good to take time to think of other children and how they will be celebrating with their families and friends.

As always this Autumn Term has been so busy with continued wonderful learning experiences for all pupils within school. During the past two years we have been reviewing the Merefield Curriculum and in September of this year we introduced our new Curriculum Pathways - Informal, Semi Formal and Formal. Initial monitoring is very positive and all staff are continuing to work hard to ensure that every pupils' learning experience is personal, appropriate and challenging at all times. There will be a Parents/Carers Information Session about these new pathways early next term.

The Calvert Trust Residential was another great success - next time you are in school have a look at the photo display to see all the wonderful activities everyone completed during their time there!

Last week was one of the highlights of each school year - the Christmas Productions! This year Lower School performed The Whoops -a -Daisy - Angel whilst Upper School shared the tale of Dick Whittington! Both shows were fantastic - all the pupils made great contributions and parents/carers, families and friends all had a wonderful time. Many thanks to all the staff who worked so hard to put everything together.

Our Annual FOMS Christmas Hamper Raffle was also drawn on Friday - 12 Hampers were given out and a total of more than £400 was raised for FOMS funds - thank you to everyone who bought tickets! There is still time to buy a raffle ticket for the chance to win hospitality at Liverpool FC  - contact school in the next couple of days if you would like a ticket!

Have a happy, peaceful Christmas and New Year - thank you to everyone who helps to make Merefield the special community that it is - it is always such a busy and exciting place!

Very best wishes to you all
