Just a quick hello and a timely reminder that school will be open again on Thursday for all pupils! We are so looking forward to welcoming our new pupils and their families - all 14 of them!! Obviously things will be a little strange to start with as many of our existing pupils will be moving classes and/or rooms in order to accommodate our new pupils but I am sure everything will go well and everyone will soon feel at home in their new surroundings! Our wonderful extension is ready for action and I know the older pupils are really looking forward to their new learning space! All our classes will now be known by special names - Squirrels, Foxes, Owls etc, all names chosen as examples of British Beach/Forest wildlife and trees in recognition of our Beach/Forest status. I am delighted to say that the pool is now completely refurbished and back in action - I know it was a long and frustrating job but it is worth it! I am also delighted to announce that our new Sensory Learning Studio is also finished and ready for use and looks amazing with so many different sensory learning activities incorporated within its structure. The sensory garden space is also now ready for use and also looks beautiful -special thanks to Class 9 and Staff for all their hard work to achieve this. All in all school looks wonderful and the facilities have been taken to another level with everything that has been created or refurbished these past three months - deepest thanks to everyone who has helped in any way to achieve these amazing results. We will be having an official open day to celebrate all these new facilities next term - further details to follow.
Enjoy this last Bank Holiday weekend and see you all next week for another action packed term!