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Headteacher Blog

Apologies for the time lapse since my last blog - don't know where the last month has gone! Thank you so much to everyone who attended our wonderful Monster Mash Disco - it was so lovely to see so many families attending and what great efforts had been put into the costumes!

Everyone is now settled in their new classes and working very hard. It is always a pleasure to walk round the school during the school day and see all the personal activities and tasks that all the children and young people are completing every day. I know many parents are delighted to be receiving more information and photos about what their son/daughter has been doing in school each week.

This week a group of students and staff have gone to Calvert Trust for 4 nights - hopefully the weather will be kind to them and allow all planned activities to take place.

It is Children In Need this Friday and we are looking forward to a visit from Pudsey Bear during our special Children In Need Breakfasts on Thursday morning!

As always at this time of year our thoughts are turning to Christmas! We will be holding two performances this year - Lower School and Upper School - details of dates/times will be sent home soon. Our Family Christmas Dinner has already been organised - details have been sent home with reply slips to confirm attendance.

With all these various activities I am sure every family will visit school at some point in the next few weeks!