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Headteacher Blog

At the start of this new academic year I would like to say a very warm welcome back to all our existing pupils and families and a very warm welcome to all our new pupils and their families and our new member of staff - teacher Mrs Lesley Hall. I hope everyone is settling into their new classes and routines and looking forward to another action packed year here at Merefield.

This is a very exciting time here at Merefield as, after two years of extensive research, we have now launched our new Merefield Curriculum Pathways - Early Years/Foundation (up to end KeyStage 1), Informal, Semi-Formal, Formal ( Keystages 2 and 3) and 14-19. These pathways promote a personalised holistic approach to learning for every pupil and ensure all appropriate advice/recommendations/targets are incorporated into each pupils planned learning pathway. Each pupil now has a Personalised Learning Intention Map for each term which details exactly the learning intentions for each curriculum area. Learning follows a thematic approach which promotes communication and social interactions. Parents/Carers are going to be given the opportunity to come into school to find out more about our curriculum and subsequent timetable - watch out for the invite to an informal presentation coming soon! 

It is our Annual MacMillan Coffee Event next week - Friday September 26th. Letters have already gone home with more details - last year was a packed house with great fundraising - lets see if we can beat that this year! This is an opportunity to have a chat with your son/daughters' new class staff team and raise funds for a very worthy cause at the same time!

During the holidays we were delighted to learn that we had won Sainsburys' Active Kids Wish List! As only 20 schools throughout the country were successful this is a great honour for school! We have received 3 sensory indoor tents, a complete ball pool and a sensory motor kit! The equipment has already been put to good use within school!

As always if you have any comments or suggestions about any aspect of Merefield School please do get in touch

Best wishes, Sue