Well this year has continued where last years ended with continued sporting success! We are delighted to continue to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities and events - already this term there has been a swimming gala, a horse riding extravanganza, dodgeball, kinball and specialised sports coaching from Everton in the Community. In school lunchtime clubs include table tennis and boccia. Pupil participation has been outstanding with reports from accompanying staff of fantastic behaviour, development of social skills and all round pride at seeing Merefield pupils collaborating and/or competing with pupils from other schools.
It was our first parent/carer event of the year the other week - each year we combine our initial parent/carer teacher meeting with supporting Macmillan. There were three wonderful events all organised by pupils from Upper School and very well attended by parents/carers. Over £250 was raised for Macmillan - thank you to everyone who donated in any way.
This forthcoming Friday I am looking forward to welcoming our new parents/carers for an informal "making sure you know everything you need to know session". Although every new parent/carer has at least 3 meetings with various school personnel before their son/daughter starts at Merefield, there are always things that crop up once the child/young person is actually in their class - this session is an opportunity to discuss any questions that have arisen during the past few weeks since the start of the term and also to meet other new parents and find out the various ways parents/carers can get involved in the life of the school.
There will be a collection of tins/dried foods as part of our Harvest celebrations which will then be sent to Southport Foodbank - we thank you in advance for your contributions.
Half term approaches - the week beginning Monday October 23rd - and we will be holding our annual Monster Mash Family Disco on Tuesday October 31st 16:00 - 17:00 - further details will be sent out in due course.
The whole school theme this term is Time