Glad to see everyone return from our half term break feeling refreshed and enjoying this lovely early spring weather. The group of pupils and staff who spent the week at Calvert Trust just before the holiday had an amazing week full of adventure and exciting activities - well done to everyone who went and had a go! Another group will be visiting Center Parcs later this half term. Our Valentine Disco was another success enjoyed by pupils and siblings alike. Last half term we had the opportunity for several classes within lower school to visit Jump Warehouse in Southport - again a new experience for many pupils but one that was wholeheartedly embraced!
Thank you to all parents/carers who completed and sent in the LPPA Questionnaire - it is so rewarding to read how highly everyone regards the school and also how successful the weekly pupil newsletters and the Class DoJo App are. A general comment regarding things that could be improved was related to advanced warning of events - we do try to give as much notice as possible but sometimes we only find out about activities at the last minute ourselves! However I promise we will endeavour to send any dates out as soon as we can so families have enough time to prepare.
This half term will see school celebrate World Book Day and also Comic Relief. Letters and information about our World Book celebrations have already gone home with the theme this year being The World of Narnia - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I am looking forward to seeing all the varied creative learning activities that are going to take place during our celebration week!
School continues to take part in a very wide variety of sporting activities with Table Football being this weeks competition - come on Team Merefield! We will be taking part in a very special musical project next term with other local special schools - this will be a wonderful opportunity for a group of pupils to experience different musical instruments and to participate in a musical concert in July.
Early in February we were externally assessed against the Early Years Quality Mark - a framework with statements across all aspects of school life. Although we are awaiting our written report the verbal feedback we received at the end of the visit was wonderful - our assessor could not praise the school highly enough. I will share exact feedback once we have our report.
As you can imagine I spend a lot of my time with various visitors to the school who are here for many and varied reasons - I am always so proud and honoured when they tell me what a wonderful atmosphere there is in school. The pupils are always so happy and proud to talk to any visitor and show them their work and visitors always comment on the excellent relationships between pupils and staff. Well done and thank you to everyone within our wonderful school community.