Headteacher Blog...
So another half term here already! I know this is a recurring theme but where does the time go?!! This half term has seen all our new members of our Merefield Community settling into their new environment very successfully - staff, pupils and Governors. The use of Mereside within the 14-19 department has been a particular highlight with the addition of new fencing enhancing the facilities and improving health and safety and thus extending independence opportunities for some of our older pupils. We were honoured to have a visit from the Mayor of Sefton, Councillor Maureen Fearn and her consort, Mr Frank Winrow, yesterday -Wednesday October 16th. The Mayor had a complete tour of the school and met many staff and pupils - we have sent a press release to local newspapers so keep an eye out for the feature! We start next half term with a Monster Mash family disco on Thursday October 31st - letters have been sent home with details of how to buy tickets so hope to see many families then! This next half term is always one of the busiest of the year with preparations for Christmas and our usual whole school performance - this year's production is "The Jolly Merefield Christmas Postman" -keep an eye out for ticket details as this is always a very popular event!
As always although this blog tends to highlight all the extra-curricular activities going on in school, I would like to thank all the staff for their ongoing continued hard work with the main business of the school - the learning progress that all our pupils make every day. As I visit every classroom I am always delighted to see for myself the accomplishments of the day and the obvious enjoyment all our pupils have whilst in school. Have a great week of rest and relaxation everyone!!